Vol. 47 No. especial 1 dez (2023): Human Rights, Justice, and Health: gender and sexuality

Saúde em Debate v. 47, n. especial 1, dez, 2023 - Direitos humanos, justiça e saúde: gênero e sexualidade

Excerpt from the presentation of the special issue of Saúde Debate on ‘Human Rights, Justice, and Health: gender and sexuality’, signed by the guest editors of this edition “The intersection between human rights, gender, and sexuality is increasingly recognized as a crucial area of public health research and policy-making. The texts in this thematic issue show how health outcomes are profoundly influenced by the social determinants of health, which must include factors such as gender identity, sexual orientation, and the systemic inequalities that individuals face daily as a consequence of their living conditions”.

Topics covered: Notifications of violence in the State of Rio de Janeiro; National LGBT Comprehensive Health Policy in the municipality of Resende, Rio de Janeiro; Transvestites and transsexuals accessing hormonal treatment at the AMIG (RJ); Oral health care in the LGBTQIA+ population; Critical Discourse Analysis on ‘gender ideology’; The nursing perspective in the context of health care for the LGBTQIA+ population; Self-harm and interpersonal violence among the LGBT population, state of Rio de Janeiro; Sexual diversity and social stigmas in the SUS for the LGBTQIA+ community; Trans identity and access to health in Macaé (RJ); The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on domestic violence victim’s access to justice; The health of lesbian and bisexual women in Belford Roxo/RJ; itinerary through LGBTQIA+ health in SUS and its meanings in Valença/RJ; Assessment of LGBTQIA+ access by health professionals at a Municipal Health Center of Rio de Janeiro; Mental health: where do gender issues arise? Cisgender women roles; Breaking the cycle of violence among women hosted in the Lilac Room of the Forensic Medical Institute in downtown Rio de Janeiro in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic; Violence against the LGBTQIA+ population from the perspective of ESF/NASF professionals; feminicidal violence against black women’s health; The prison experience of transvestites; Transgender people, transvestites, and transhuman rights: The case of morphological freedom; Praxis for reproductive, erotic and gender justice; Sexual work in Brazil; A queer bioethics: perspectives from the Global South; Programmatic vulnerability from the perspective of LGBTQIA+ professionals and older people; harm reduction aimed at the population of trans women and transvestites; Healthcare for LGBTQIA+ population in Primary Health Care; Primary Health Care in Brazil and the LGBTI+ population; Occupational Health, gender, and race in a postgraduate course; Adolescents’ health: diversity, dignity, and human rights.

Published: 2024-09-20


Original Article
