Vol. 43 No. 43 especial 8 dez (2019): Other looks at the Brazilian Sanitary Reform

The objective of this thematic issue was to bring together contemporary issues that question the path of building a health policy in Brazil that guarantees the dignity and well-being of populations. The invitation for other perspectives on the Brazilian Sanitary Reform to present themselves comes at a time of confusion, with political, economic, and social transformations in all corners of the planet, as well as retrograde movements that call into question the advances made in decades of struggle for the recognition of rights, penalizing once again those who were still seeking to make their voices heard in societies. The Brazilian Center for Health Studies (Cebes) and the periodic ‘Saúde em Debate’ not only welcomed that proposal, but also constituted the best space to provoke such debate.
Topics addressed: social determinants and populations of occupations; crack in Manguinhos (RJ); analysis of the Family Health Strategy by popular movements in Ceará; rural health: paths of the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST); mental health of the black population by the Racism and Mental Health Working Group of the Ministry of Health; LGBT people on the streets and health in Florianópolis (SC); transsexuals and the gender transition; care for transvestites and trans women living on the streets in Belo Horizonte (MG); Health Reform Movement and Health Union Movement; the teachings of the Brazilian Sanitary Reform (RSB); indigenism and Sanitary Reform; collective health, coloniality, and subalternities; the Unified Health System (SUS) and liberal necropolitics; body-knowledge and the decolonization of collective health; ‘On the concept of History’ in public health; political determinants of the SUS crisis; RSB and unionism in health; collective health and agroecology; the RSB and the nature of the State: the agrarian question; feminist movements and the Sanitary Reform in Brazil; health and Sanitary Reform in the context of native peoples; LGBT health policy in public health publications; social movements against State racism: health debate; the construction of the SUS based on the work of Community Health Agents; the social movement in the RSB; book review ‘What is a place of speech’; manifesto on health and democracy in the favelas.