Vol. 48 No. 143 (2024): Saúde em Debate

Saúde em Debate v. 48, n. 143, out-dez, 2024

The editorial in this issue of the journal brings the concept of One Health to the debate: “The discourse instituted by ‘One Health’ places the level of the world of men, animals, plants, and the biological context on a single plane without considering the biopower and biopolitics existing in the relations between society and nature and capital and labor. It seems to us a step backward to replace Public Health policies, guided by the concepts of the field of Collective Health, only by the look of zoonoses control, ‘good laboratory practices,’ the ‘use of drones’ and ‘gadgets,’ dispensing with critical and social epidemiology, social sciences and humanities, political ecology, among other disciplinary fields that have been so well amalgamated in the confrontation of contemporary reality, which, from the middle of the twentieth century onwards, have shown how the harmfulness resulting from social and nature exploitation affects health in an interdependent way and is producing new and increasingly complex health crises. […] CEBES believes that democracy is health and that health and human life on Earth are socio-environmental processes that are historically determined and increasingly mediated by the ways of producing, working, consuming, valuing nature, and relating to the cultural dimensions of subjectivities, politics, culture, and the arts. Therefore, he reaffirms that health is a product of social accumulation and a popular achievement. Acting based on these principles implies intervening in biopower and biopolitics, in the command of institutional public health policies subordinated to the process of social participation and based on the assumptions of collective health based on the economic and social determination of health.”

Topics covered: Basic sanitation management in Amazonas state; Over-the-counter medicines registered in Brazil; Access barriers: Perception of Street Clinic workers; Mental health care for adolescents in a socio-educational regime; Mental suffering in mental health workers; Social determinants of health in Angola; Morbidity from Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis in Brazil; Integrative and Complementary Practices in Primary Health Care in a northeastern Brazilian capital; Interprofessional Education in Multiprofessional Residency in Primary Health Care; The role of the Network of Women Producers of Pajeú in the construction of agroecological territories in coexistence with the Semi-arid region; Health care for border residents; Racism in healthcare environments and associated factors in black women; Management of Pharmaceutical Services: Qualifica AF results; Interprofessional collaborative attitudes in the Family Health Strategy; Adolescent health indicators in Mercosur countries; Socio-demographic disparities in colorectal cancer in Brazil; The precariousness of work on digital platforms; Oral health care in the SUS during the COVID-19 pandemic; Geography and health: The contemporary production of a diseased spatial theory.

Published: 2024-12-19


Original Article

