Vol. 46 No. especial 4 nov (2022): Institutional accreditation in SUS ombudsmen and participation of society

Saúde em Debate v. 46, n. especial 4, nov. 2022: Acreditação institucional em ouvidorias do SUS e participação da sociedade

The Public Ombudsman’s Offices are essential and innovative bodies [...]. They represent the gateway to individual and collective demands from citizens and beneficiaries of public policies. In the national health sector, there is an evident evolution in its integration into decision-making processes, which reflects its progressive institutionalization. The articles published in this issue reflect on the direct or intertwined connections between the Ombudsman of the Unified Health System (SUS) and decision-making processes on a sectoral scale. Integrated with the theme of governance and the participation of society, these articles provide analyses on these experiences and related topics in the national and international context. [Excerpt from the Presentation of the special issue signed by the scientific editors José Inácio Jardim Motta and José Mendes Ribeiro].

Topics covered: Health systems, mechanisms of governance, and governmental porosity in a comparative perspective; Participation, representation, and deliberation in the decision-making process of the Municipal Health Council of Marabá-PA; Profile and manifestations of the population aged 15 to 29 years to the SUS General Ombudsman; Society, phobias, and diferences; Governance mechanisms, societal institutions, and State bureaucracy; Civilian health surveillance, population studies and participation; Analysis of the Chilean health system and its structure in social participation; Public participation in health and Covid-19 in Portugal; Participative management in Primary Health Care in a vulnerable urban territory; Institutional Accreditation of SUS Ombudspersons; building the Institutional Accreditation process for SUS ombudpersons; SUS Ombudsman offices and the Brazilian Public Health School Network; SUS Bahia Ombudsman Office’s experience; Interview with Fernando Pigatto – President of National Health Council; From the struggles against dictatorship to the struggles for democracy: the thinking of Antônio Ivo de Carvalho.

Published: 2022-11-21



Case Study
