The oral health policy in a municipality of Bahia: the agents of state bureaucracy


  • Adriele Souza Caldas
  • Denise Nogueira Cruz UFBA
  • Sandra Garrido de Barros UFBA
  • Thais Régis Aranha Rossi
  • Sônia Cristina Lima Chaves


Oral Health, Health Policy, Public Policy, Health Manager


This study aimed to characterize oral health coordinators (OHC) involved in the Brazilian Oral Health Policy (BOHP) implantation in a municipality of Bahia, exemplary case, between 1997-2015. A qualitative approach case study was carried out, based on the Bourdieu theoretical, through in-depth interviews with six OHC, with an average of 45 years. Their professional trajectories were analyzed from the following categories: social origin, professional formation, professional trajectory and insertion and trajectory in bureaucratic field. The majority graduated in public institutions and presented an upward trajectory in bureaucratic field. The insertion in management was influenced by dispositions, network relations and professional performance in Family Health Strategy (FHS). Professional qualification seems to be a differentiating aspect. The post-graduation in collective health represented a greater possibility of insertion in the FHS. The management team maintains the practice of the clinic. The municipal management and health support was highlighted by almost all interviewees. The BOHP contributed to oral health network expansion, however, the main propositions were implanted previously. The importance of management in BOHP implementation is evident and it´s recommended to carry out similar analysis of other cases to identify regularities that contribute to the explanation of the different degrees of BOHP implementation.



How to Cite

Caldas AS, Cruz DN, Garrido de Barros S, Rossi TRA, Chaves SCL. The oral health policy in a municipality of Bahia: the agents of state bureaucracy. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2022 Apr. 17 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];42(119 out-dez):886-900. Available from: