Social and technical factors related to the development of municipal management of Pharmaceutical Services: Qualifica AF results



Pharmaceutical Services, Access to essential medicines and health technologies, Health services research, Unified Health System


Diagnostic study carried out in the Qualifica AF project to identify the technical and social components that characterize the municipal management of the Pharmaceutical Services (PS). Study carried out with a sample composed of municipalities qualified for the Structure Axis of the Qualifar-SUS Program. The collection was performed with a self-completion questionnaire. Eight variables were selected according to the degree of participation of the PS Management in municipal health management activities. The analysis was carried out using the multinomial logistic regression model. In the municipalities studied, 42.4% have high participation in municipal management activities. The aspects of participation are articulations with other sectors of the municipal health department with links established with other coordination’s, active participation in social control, performance in the municipality’s management reports, as well as its planning and evaluation, performance in training for teams. Increased PS participation in municipal health management is associated with positive results in terms of structure, organization, use of resources by the municipalities, articulations with other management instances. Emphasizes the importance of the effectiveness of PS management as a technical, political and social process, a participant of the municipal health management, going beyond the limits of an activity isolated from the health care and management process.



How to Cite

Mendes SJ, Sassi PB, Baierle EF, Almeida NLMB de, Peixoto RT, Barreto BB, et al. Social and technical factors related to the development of municipal management of Pharmaceutical Services: Qualifica AF results. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 2 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];48(143). Available from:



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