Health surveillance oriented to the living conditions of the population: an integrative literature review


  • Inez Siqueira Santiago Neta Universidade Federal do Amazonas (Ufam), Escola de Enfermagem de Manaus – Manaus (AM), Brasil.
  • Marcílio Sandro de Medeiros Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), Instituto Leônidas & Maria Deane (ILMD) – Manaus (AM), Brasil.
  • Maria Jacirema Ferreira Gonçalves Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), Instituto Leônidas & Maria Deane (ILMD) e Universidade Federal do Amazonas (Ufam), Escola de Enfermagem de Manaus – Manaus (AM), Brasil.


Human development. Community development. Social participation. Public health surveillance.


The research aims to identify studies that address health surveillance, involving the concept of human development intrinsically, according to the assumptions of Bronfenbrenner and Max-Neef. An integrative of literature review in Pubmed, Scopus, Web of Science, Bireme and SciELO databases, with terms related to Health Surveillance and human development according to the authors cited. We have identified an implicit approach to Bronfenbrenner’s human development and distancing from the Max-Neff approach. It is proposed to the health surveillance to articulate post-developmental approaches in the identification of emerging health problems in vulnerable populations.



How to Cite

Santiago Neta IS, Medeiros MS de, Gonçalves MJF. Health surveillance oriented to the living conditions of the population: an integrative literature review. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2018 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];42(116 jan-mar):307-1. Available from: