Analysis of the national scientific production on complex chronic conditions in pediatrics
Pediatric chronic disease. Technology dependent children. Child health. Child care. Bibliometric mapping.Abstract
Complex chronic conditions are a group of permanent medical conditions that require continuous care. Techno-scientific advances have allowed children who would previously die at birth, or soon after, to gain survival, but at the expense of a complex care. The aims of the study were to identify and analyze the national scientific pediatric production. We performed an integrative review on the Scopus and Web of Science databases. All full original articles published without time restriction and containing selected keywords were included. The search was carried out in the topic field of the tools described in the methodology and the result was unified and harmonized in the Vantage Point software. After treatment and analysis, 64 articles were found. VOSviewer software version 1.6.16 was used to identify the research topics. The results showed are the geographic and temporal distribution of the scientific production, the main research institutions
and collaborative networks, and five central thematic nuclei. There are still numerous challenges related to the frequent hospitalizations and clinical care delivery processes. We conclude with the need to explore and search the theme in a collaborative way and with new research issues to increase the construction of knowledge on the theme.
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