Brief Intervention for Psychoactive Substance use in Brazil: a systematic review



Psychoactive Substance. Mental health. Brief Interventions. Primary Health Care.


Brief Interventions have been recommended for more than 20 years by the World Health Organization as a  strategy to prevent problems related to the use of  Psychoactive Substances, with priority being applied  in primary health care services in order to reduce the  risks related to this substance. phenomenon. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to  map and describe the existing scientific evidence in  the literature on the use of Brief Intervention for the  use of Psychoactive Substances developed in Brazil.  This is a systematic review. Searches were carried out  in seven sources of information in August 2021. All  studies were developed with a quantitative approach.  Alcohol was present in most studies, followed by  marijuana and nicotine. The predominant scenario  was the basic health unit, with a public of adults of  both sexes and university students. The majority  presented a brief face-to-face group intervention as a  proposal and only ten indicated the guiding reference of the Brief Intervention used. In Brazil,  Brief  Interventions are incipient and the studies presented  do not accurately highlight the guiding reference for  the intervention used.



How to Cite

Filho JA da S, Neto JB dos SB, Graça JMB da, Oliveira SR de, Vargas D de. Brief Intervention for Psychoactive Substance use in Brazil: a systematic review. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 18 [cited 2024 Oct. 22];47(138 jul-set):693-706. Available from: