Spatial and temporal patterns of infant mortality and its components in Rio de Janeiro

Patrones espaciales y temporales de la mortalidad infantil y sus componentes



Infant mortality. Epidemiology. Longitudinal studies. Multilevel analysis. Spatial analysis.


Objectives. The study aims to assess the trend of neonatal, post-neonatal, and infant mortality from  1996 to 2020 within the metropolitan region of the  state of Rio de Janeiro and other regions. Methods. Ecological study using the region as analysis unity.  Data were accessed from the Mortality Information System and Live Birth Information System in the  capital Rio de Janeiro, in the neighboring areas of Niterói, São Gonçalo, Baixada Fluminense, and the  remaining regions of the state of Rio de Janeiro State. We applied Poisson multilevel modeling, where the  models’ response variables were infant mortality and its neonatal and post neonatal components. Fixed  effects of the adjusted models were region and death year variables. Results. During the 1996-2020 period,  the Baixada Fluminense showed the highest infant mortality rate as to its neonatal and post neonatal  components.  Niterói showed the lowest adjusted risk of infant  mortality and its neonatal and post neonatal  components. Conclusion. Baixada Fluminense  showed the highest mortality risk for infant mortality  and its neonatal and post-neonatal components in  the metropolitan region. The stabilization in mortality rates in recent years was identified by the research.




How to Cite

Rodrigues NCP, Monteiro DLM, Lino VTS, Andrade MK de N. Spatial and temporal patterns of infant mortality and its components in Rio de Janeiro: Patrones espaciales y temporales de la mortalidad infantil y sus componentes. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 24 [cited 2024 Oct. 22];47(138 jul-set):531-45. Available from: