Participation, representation, and deliberation in the decision-making process of the Municipal Health Council of Marabá- PA (2018-2020)



Health planning councils. Social participation. Deliberations. Health manager.


The objective of this article is to analyze the decision-making process of the Municipal Health Council of Marabá (CMS-M), in the  state of Pará, in the period of 2018 to 2020,  focusing on the themes that were discussed in the regular meetings that took  place  during such period. The case study was  used as a research method with a  qualitative approach that combines primary and secondary sources. The primary  sources were obtained through participant  observation in the meetings held at the  CMS-M and the secondary sources through  the analysis of public documents, especially  ‘guidelines’ and ‘minutes’ produced. This  method is linked to its analysis model,  conceived within the scope of this article. As results, the following was found: effective participation of councilors in the  deliberative process; institutional rules restricting society’s participation in filing  claims and complaints; strong influence of  municipal management in the decision- making process of the council; and low  response from the municipal government in complying with the deliberations  produced in the CMS-M. 



How to Cite

Rocha NF, Moreira MR. Participation, representation, and deliberation in the decision-making process of the Municipal Health Council of Marabá- PA (2018-2020). Saúde debate [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 21 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];46(especial 4 nov):26-43. Available from: