Interprofessionality and interdisciplinarity in health: reflections on resistance from concepts of Institutional Analysis


  • Carla Aparecida Spagnol Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)
  • Regiane Prado Ribeiro Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)
  • Maralu Gonzaga de Freitas Araújo Faculdade FUMEC
  • Wesley Vieira Andrade Secretaria Municipal de Saúde
  • Richardson Warley Siqueira Luzia Fundação Hospitalar do Estado de Minas Gerais (Fhemig)
  • Cintia Ribeiro Santos Hospital Maternidade Sofia Feldman
  • Daniel Vannucci Dóbies Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp)
  • Solange L’Abbate Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp)


Health management. Professional practice. Patient care team. Interdisciplinary placement. Health human resource training.


This study aimed to report the experience of the students of the professional master’s degree in health  services management, regarding the use of concepts  of Institutional Analysis, to analyze the resistances to  interprofessional and interdisciplinary work in health,  locating them as an analyzer of the process and of  work relationships. The study was prepared from the  experience and analysis of institutional journals, written by students, and analyzed based on the  theoretical framework of Institutional Analysis. It was  observed that resistance to interprofessional and  interdisciplinary work, especially on the part of  physicians, crosses health organizations, work  relationships, and assistance to users. However, this  resistance is also exercised by other professionals and  users, which limits the interdisciplinarity and comprehensiveness of health care. But if, on the one  hand, there is still a certain predominance of the biomedical model, on the other hand, resistance to  this model is also observed in health organizations, needing to expand the spaces of collective analysis  capable of enunciating the reductionism of this paradigm. It can be concluded that collectively  analyzing these resistances allows health professionals to expand the conditions to leave their established  places and perceive the instituting movements in the services in which they work.



How to Cite

Spagnol CA, Ribeiro RP, Araújo MG de F, Andrade WV, Luzia RWS, Santos CR, et al. Interprofessionality and interdisciplinarity in health: reflections on resistance from concepts of Institutional Analysis. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 1 [cited 2024 Oct. 22];46(especial 6 dez):185-9. Available from: