‘On the concept of History’ in public health



Whitening. Decolonization. Feminism. Sanitarian Movement. Public health.


In this essay, whose title is inspired by the master piece “About the concept of the History by Walter Benjamin, We narrate the history of the Collective Health, in connection to the social Brazilian human being, through thirteen concatenated and concomitantly independent among them, precisely given some pointed divergences among us - the Authors. We can say that the text presents theses and therefore some antitheses. We do acknowledge the relevance that the field of the Collective Health and the Sanitarian Movement have in the Public Health and the Brazilian Society, we linked the argument that both would not be immunized to the world we coined : SER ( Sexism, Elitism, Racism)- way of being constitutive of our western and modern Society- responsible for not being of the majority called minority.- mainly of the 5 P from the Periphery: “the Poor, the Black, the Psychotic, the Prostitute, the Paraiba”. To ground this thesis (or theses), we fraternized ourselves, each one to his\her way, to the provided and cultivated knowledge by the black scholars as well as the authors which contribute with the decolonization of our knowledge and practices, including some Europeans, towards to the Collective Health.



How to Cite

Mendonça AL de O, Gonçalves LAP. ‘On the concept of History’ in public health. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 7 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];43(43 especial 8 dez):203-18. Available from: https://revista.saudeemdebate.org.br/sed/article/view/2805