Sanitary Reform Movement and Union Movement for Workers’ Health: an unwanted mismatch

un desencuentro indeseado



Health care reform. Labor unions. Occupational health. Unified Health System.


This article discusses the origin of the Brazilian Sanitary Reform Movement (MRSB) from the review of the literature published in Saúde em Debate, by the National Commission on Sanitary Reform, from 1980 to 2010. (MSST), and how the fragile social base of the Health Reform is related to the "divorce" between them. It shows the progress achieved by the MSST in the late 1970s and 1980s in the implementation of Worker's Health Programs, which were carried out by the most advanced unionism in the struggle for health at work, which was disregarded by MRSB. With the hegemony of global neoliberal productive restructuring in the country and structural unemployment there is a decline in the action of the trade union movement, weakening its role in the struggle for health at work.



How to Cite

Lacaz FA de C, Reis AAC dos, Lourenço E Ângela de S, Goulart PM, Trapé CA. Sanitary Reform Movement and Union Movement for Workers’ Health: an unwanted mismatch: un desencuentro indeseado. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 7 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];43(43 especial 8 dez):120-32. Available from: